Surgeon Job Description
The following is a full job description for Surgeon. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Surgeon along with statistics. If after reading this page you determine that Surgeon is not the position you are looking for, you may want to try one of these similar titles: Surgeon - Cardiothoracic, Surgeon - Oral, Surgeon - Burn, Surgeon - Vascular, Surgeon - Trauma, Surgeon - Pediatric, Surgeon - Neurology, Surgeon - Orthopedic, Surgeon - Plastic Reconstructive
Requirements and Responsibilities For Surgeon
Performs surgery to prevent and correct injuries, deformities, diseases or improve patient function, appearance or quality of life. Reviews patient history and confirms need for surgery. Determines which instruments and method of surgery will be most successful in achieving desired outcome. May provide medical personnel with direction concerning patient care. May provide in-service training as needed to address new technology in health care treatment. Provides charting in compliance with all laws and regulations. Requires a MD degree from an accredited school. Typically reports to a medical director. Requires a license to practice. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requirement.
Also referred to as: General Surgeon
Similar Jobs:  Surgeon - Cardiothoracic, Surgeon - Oral, Surgeon - Burn, Surgeon - Vascular, Surgeon - Trauma, Surgeon - Pediatric, Surgeon - Neurology, Surgeon - Orthopedic, Surgeon - Plastic Reconstructive
Level of Education:  Surgeon Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Biotechnology, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals
Job Statistics
Years of Experience Education Level
Company Size Industry
Most Popular Cities for Surgeon